Old School photos are a great way to see the changes of then and now. Many people have contributed photos to these pages, please use our comment form to submit more!! Thanks
Chattaroy Washington, 1939 Eighth Grade Graduation Day Picnic

Last row left: Betty Lou Mikesell; Judy Cline; Opal Mathis; Verna Ritz; Mr. Werner; Barbara Axtell; Eleanor Schneider; Mabel Scott; Margaret Powers
2nd row: Paul West; Billy; Kenneth Scholz; Ray Wagner; Merle Olsen; Robert Milligan
1st row: Floyd Clements; George Clements.
May 6, 2010 Update!!! Received an email from son of Ken Scholz…”That’s my father Ken Scholz and his cousin Ray Wagner in the photo. He graduated from Washington State and moved to Prineville Oregon where he owned a logging company. He married and raised 4 kids, 2 boys and twin girls, and our Mom died in 1970 at age of 40. Ken remarried and had more kids, a boy and a girl who are now in their young 30’s. Dad died in 2000 at the age of 75.” (photo from Leslie Mikesell Wood)
East Trent District #63, Banner School, October 1892

Front Row – Eddie Daschbach, Maud Arbes, Ida Blessing, Bertha Robbins, Ed Stitz, Clarence Cook
Second Row – Albert Zimprick, Archie Cook, Ida Hofford, Carl Hofford, Theresa Blessing, Jake Blessing, Mike Blessing, Theresa Rauscher, Mary Rauscher, Josephine Zimprick, Monica Rauscher, Clara Robbins, Joe Stitz.
Third Row – John Cook, Tony Blessing, Henry Savage, Than Lincoln, Conrad Stegner, Rose Stitz, Lizzie Daschbach, Will Goodner, Jane Weeks, Joe Goodner.
Forth Row – Joe Blessing, Arthur Lincoln, Myrtle Hofford, Mary Stegner, Sam Esch, George Weeks, Blanch Goodner, Mary Blessing, Robert Lincoln, Mazie Weeks, Etta Goodner, Frank Arbes, Fred Stitz, Alph Meyers.
Miss Lillie Rogers, teacher in doorway.
Medical Lake 8th Grade Graduation, 1909-10

Front: Teacher – ?
Girls: (L to R) Laurabel Wilson (Marlene’s 3rd Cousin), ?, ?
Boys: (L to R)?, ?, ?, ?
First Communion Class, St Joseph’s Church, Trent 1912

Front (l-r) Maurice Corrigan, Fr. Adams, S.J., ?? Brinkworth, ?? Brinkworth
Rear (l-r) ??, Margaret Ulowetz, May Herboth, Frances Stafford, Don Grant
This group of photos is wonderful because it follows a group of children from 1st grade through the 7th grade. Jerry Jones submitted these photos.
Emerson Elementary School First Grade Class, May 1949

Front: Robert Camp, Bobby Leabig, Sammy ?, ?, Jerry Jones.
Second: ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Rosaleen Higgins, Judy Forbes, Beverly Bullard, Karen Coleman
Third: Robert Sterling, Alan Montor, ?, Jim Tucker, Don Jones, Jim Kroske, ?, Craig ?
Not Pictured: Teacher…Mrs. Hillbrush
Emerson Elementary School Second Grade Class, May 1950

First: Jerry Jones, Chris Ferrier, Jim Kroske, Robert Camp, ?, Bill Stoeser.
Second: Beverly Bullard, Peggy Fowler, Judy Forbes, ?, ?, Debbie Reynolds, Joan White.
Third: ?, Juanita Linton, Bonnie Lemon, Maureen O’Connor, Sharon Bowles, Virginia Montor, Gail Stewart, Rosaleen Higgins, ?.
Fourth: ?, ?, Jerome Brady, Kermit Kilcup, ?, Doug Cougar.
Not Pictured: Teacher…Mrs. Woodard.
Emerson Elementary School Third Grade Class, May 1951

First: Billy Grafmiller, Dick Harris, Bob Leabig, Alan Montor, ?, Jerry Jones.
Second: Lavonne Haas, Karen Coleman, Gail Stewart, ?, Sandra Drury, Judy Forbes, Peggy Fowler, Beverly Bullard.
Third: Bill Stoeser, ?, Rosaleen Higgins, ?, Dorothy Bennett, Linda Randall, Pauline Patterson, Dennis Patrick, Jerry Marx.
Fourth: Ronnie Cameron, ?, ?, Kermit Kilcup, Arlie Peterson, ?, Jerome Brady
Teacher – Ms. Ring
Emerson Elementary School Fourth Grade Class, May 1952

First: ?, Jerry Jones, ?, Bill Stoeser, ?, ? .
Second: Beverly Bullard, ?, Doroth Bennett, ?, ?, Lavonne Haas.
Third: Peggy Fowler, ?, ?, Rosalie Higgins, ?, ?, ?, ?.
Fourth: Bill Dashbaugh?, ?, ?, Jerome Brady, Kermit Kilcup, ?, ?
Emerson Elementary School Fifth Grade Class, May 1953

First: Jerry Jones, ?, Robert Camp, Bill Pardon, Jim Kroske .
Second: ?, ?, Maureen O’Connor?, Linda Randall, ?, Karen Coleman, Peggy Fowler.
Third: ?, Chris Ferrier, ?, Rosaleen Higgins, ?, ?, Bill Stoeser.
Fourth: Alan Montor, Dorothy B?, Kermit Kilcup, ?, Ronnie Cameron, Billy Grafmiller, Jerome Brady, Teacher-Mrs. Lawrence.
Unknown’s – Gary D., Kay O., Stephan J.S.?, Sandra D., Harold E., Nancy C., Juanita Linton, Jim Nance, and Larry D.
Emerson Elementary School Sixth Grade Class, April 1954

First: Wayne Harla?, ?, Bill Stoeser, Bill Daschbach, ?, Jim Kroske, Jerry Jones, ?, Bill Grafmiller
Second: Lavonne Haas, ?, Karen Coleman, ?, ?, ?, ?, Beverly Bullard.
Third: ?, Rosaleen Higgins, ?, Bonnie Lemon, Evelyn Wellhauser, ?, ?, ?, Mrs. Henderson. (Thank you John Preston for giving us Mrs. Henderson)
Fourth: Jerome Brady, ?, Kermit Kilcup, ?, ?, ?, Chris Ferrier, Jim Tucker.
Unknown’s – Lawrence L., Judy F., Ronnie Cameron, Frank Tayloe, Ronald Anderson, Alice Rodgers, Susan Fretwell, Judy Moss, and Lonnie Renyolds.
Emerson Elementary School Seventh Grade Class, May 1955

First: Lavonne Haas, Virginia Montor?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? .
Second: Mr Kulm, teacher, Jerry Jones, Howard Wellman, ?, ?, ?, ?, Peggy Fowler, Beverly Bullard, Bill Pardon, Bill Stoeser.
Third: Jim Tucker, Ref A.?, Jim Kroske, Jerome Brady, Chris Ferrier, Frank Tayloe, Wayne Harla, Bill Daschbach.
Emerson Elementary School Seventh Grade Baseball Team, May 1955

I have not been able to find the names for this photo
Otis School Sports

Back Row: Donald Ressler, Martin Stellman, Ed Ulowetz, Richard Luther, R.G. Hillbaum – Coach Jack Fisher, John Canfield, William Lowry – Manager John Sperber
Seated: Beverly Springer, Edward Delp

Front: Dorothy Strong, Anna Marie Green
Rear: John Ulowetz, Coach Ruth Wilson, John Canfield

Front: Louis Shopbell, Donald Clift, Virgil Abbott
Rear: Eugene Layman, Tom Hanley, Coach R. G. Hellbaum, Clarence (Ed) Shopbell, Charles Abbott, Harry Ulowetz.

Front row – Jean Nance, Jean Fornia, Dorothy Martin, Norma Nelson, Phyllis Petaya, Jane Labaree, Helene Anderson, Eleanor Bloom, Betty Labaree, Eloise Brooks, Barbara Boyle, Dorothy Long
Second row – Fitzgerald (Principal), Lane (Teacher), Betty Peterson, Frances Krugel, Emily Handler, Olga Kokat, Marceline Moody, Mary Shields, Ginny Bacon, Stana Novick, Betty Peterson
Third row – Jack Rosenburg, Dick Robinson, Dick Pfiefer, Fred Hoogenerr, Warren Westerman, Bob Jones, Joe Lippert, Ray Shanan, Vincent Gugg, Ray Kellier, Bernard Shultz
Back row – Cecil Rowland, Johnny Nicolson, Dick Moss, Paul White, Martin Nelson, Harold Haarwas, Leon Anderson, Dick Rhuele, Johnny O’Neill, Lee Devore, Duane Henry

Hannah Andren, who lived a few miles from the school.
I am trying to find a staff picture of the teachers at Emerson Elementary Spokane District 81 1978, In particular, there was a counselor at the school named Wayne Shulz or Shultz. I am trying to find a picture of him and Phil Snowden who was a teacher there as well. Tom Jones was the principal at that time.
I have my mom’s kindergarten class photo from 1944, Millwood, WA. Some of the names are supplies on the back.
My grandmother went to Emerson. Approx. date would’ve been between 1923 to 1928. If anyone has old class photos from this time period, I would love to see them!
I live near Emerson Park and love the history of Spokane, so I am curious to know where the school was actually situated in the park area? Thank!!
The school was located where the park is now! I went to Emerson the last year or two before it was torn down.