Spokane Scenes

This is a beautiful collection of Photographs showing the way Spokane was in the early days. These have been provided to us by Julie Shepard. She has graciously allowed these for your viewing pleasure. If you know any of these folks or the place represented, let Julie know.

Car parked on street
Car parked on street

 Class of ????
Class of ????

 Couple of folks near Baby Clinic
Couple of folks near Baby Clinic
 Pair of ladies in front of Wholesale Grocery
Pair of ladies in front of Wholesale Grocery
 Lady in Yard (What is that in the Background?)
Lady in Yard (What is that in the Background?)
 Old Building
Old Building
 Another Old Building???
Another Old Building???
Group at a Beach House
Group at a Beach House
Couple at the Race
Couple at the Race

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