History of Central Washington – Surnames W-Y-Z

Wagner, E.71Whited, Kirk175
Walberg, Edmund177Wiedrich, Joseph302
Walker, Miss Cecil476Wilcox, Myron D.176
Walker, Albert387Wilks, Sam & James173
Walker, Percy285Will, Chas. F.174
Wallace, O. V.178Williams, J. L.231
Walsh, John173Williams, Mrs. Burt J.525
Ward, C. C.370Willis, W. H.123
Warner, W. J.320Wilson, D. C.388
Warren, Mrs. Eliza Spalding471Wilson, Posey534
Water Right, Value of71Witte, J. H.300
Waterman, Dr. W. A.498Witte, August298
Watson, J. Howard462Wolf, William441
Webb, R. P.69Women’s Club525
Wells, L. V.584Woman’s Club528
Wells, A. Z.570Wood, P. P.70
Wells, Lemuel H. Bishop 500Woods, W. W.570
Weythman, Jas L.589Woods, Lon364
Weythman, Geo. W.321Woodring, J.F.588
Wenatchee Advance520Wooten, C. D.475
Wilson, W. R.232Wright, Chas. A.379
Wenatchee Chewawa Ditch576Wright, J. C.176
Wire Fence Telephone System189Wright, Leroy56
Wenatchee, Derivation of18Wright, R. P.565
Wenatchee Development Company529Wright, R. A.378
Wenatchee Fire, 190991


Wenatchee Fruit Grower, 525Yocum, Thos. Byam 292
Wenatchee Garden Club,529Yocum, E. B.292
Wenatchee Graphic523Yockey, Daniel272
Wenatchee Press525


Wenatchee Republican522Zahren, Mr. & Mrs. Bert125
Wenatchee Sun524Zetetic Club528
Wenatchee Tough Town 1892-394Zimmerman, Charles158
Whaley, C. E. 461Zimmerman, E. P.64
Wheeler, Peter, Sr. 62Zimmerman, Louis64
Whitaker, Dr. H. H.596Zimmerman, Theo64

Source: Hull, Lindley M. A history of central Washington : including the famous Wenatchee, Entiat, Chelan and the Columbia Valleys, with an index and eighty scenic-historical illustrations. Spokane, Wash.: Press of Shaw & Borden Co., 1929.

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