History of Central Washington – Surnames N-O-P

Nash, L. B.77Patterson, Mrs. Mary E.148
Newell, E. A.127Patterson, Duncan203
Neubauer, N. I.92Patterson. Hector203
Nicholson, W. S.461Perkins, S. W., Mr. & Mrs.152
Nixon, Thos. L.512Pershall486
Nolup, Chas. G.122Peshastin377
Noland, S. D. & J. D.265Peshastin Ditch, The354
Norman, Amil312Peters, John R.567
Nunemaker, E. R.521Peters, A. B.567


 Phillips, Scott W.269
O’Connor, J. J.264Pioneer Life at Brown’s Flat314
Olive, Walter M.554Pitcher, Alex153
Oliver Brothers266Pitcher, Geo. A.146
Oppel, Adam304Plymouth Congregational Church498
Oppel, George304Pool, Rev. S. O.524
Orondo & Dr. J. B. Smith,411Porter, Benjamin406
Orondo News523Porter, John E.268
Orondo Shipping Co.89Postoffice 100 miles149
Orr, Jas. H.63Powell, Jacob148
Overturf, Geo. H.309Pratt, Jas. M.159


 Prehistoric Conditions13
Padoshek, Martin147Prentis, John A.454
Padoshek, Vincent & John151Preston, Mrs. Josephine Corless349
Page, Eugene161Preston, Chas E.442
Pan-American564Prewitt, Wm. W.267
Parr, W. O. 179,546Proctor, J. C.298
Parrish, Geo. W.407Prowell, W. R.155
Parrish, Tom266Purdy, Al.398
Pate, W. N.144  

Source: Hull, Lindley M. A history of central Washington : including the famous Wenatchee, Entiat, Chelan and the Columbia Valleys, with an index and eighty scenic-historical illustrations. Spokane, Wash.: Press of Shaw & Borden Co., 1929.

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