Laden, John W. | 522 | Leonard, Dike | 129 |
Ladies Musical Club | 527 | Lewis & Clarke Fair | 564 |
Lakeside Light, The | 522 | Lewis, Grace McQuarrie, Mrs. | 472 |
Lake Wenatchee | 397 | Lillis, John | 181 |
Lanham, Z. A. | 129 | Lindley, J. T. | 555 |
Lanham, Mrs. Z. A. | 454 | Lindsay, Maj. A. S., | 521 |
Lanham, John R. | 249 | Lister, Gov. | 349 |
Lanham, Josiah | 248 | Little, Wm. H. | 260 |
Lamer, Geo. W. | 117 | Little, D. W. | 462 |
Larsen, Iver A. | 172 | Lockwood & Canaday | 107 |
Laurie, Rev. J. A. | 282 | Long, E. C. | 553 |
Lawrence, P. W. | 132 | Longston, Rev. J. A. | 480 |
Layfield & Peterson | 295 | Loosekamp, F. A. | 388 |
Leahy, M. R. | 246 | Lost Mine, The | 451 |
Leavenworth | 383 | Lovell, W. D. & R. T. | 586 |
Leavenworth, Echo | 522 | Lovelace, M. E. | 461 |
Leavenworth Journal | 521 | Loving, O. E. | 130 |
Leavenworth Times | 521 | Lucas, Dr. | 448 |
Lebeck, J. H. | 261 | Ludington, R. S | 584 |
Lee, Wm. W. | 181 | Lumber Industry | 580 |
Leisure Hour Club | 528 |
Source: Hull, Lindley M. A history of central Washington : including the famous Wenatchee, Entiat, Chelan and the Columbia Valleys, with an index and eighty scenic-historical illustrations. Spokane, Wash.: Press of Shaw & Borden Co., 1929.