History of Central Washington – Surname D

Daily World524Derry, N. E.84
Dallam, F. M., Sr.208DeTillion, H. G.296
Dallam, Frank M., Jr.207Detwiler, Lewis411
Davies, John W.204Dickenson, Dick387
Davidson, Wm.203Dickson, Wm.  202
Davis, Charles84Dill, John D.   554
Deaths, Three Tragic156Dillon, Thomas J.405
Deep Snows101Doak, Thomas86
DeLano, E. L.297Donalds, John206
Dennis, Ed.83Doneen, John W.308
Dennis Nursery84Dryden  373
Derby380Dumpke, Henry456
Derifield, I. M.205Dyer, Edward J.525

Source: Hull, Lindley M. A history of central Washington : including the famous Wenatchee, Entiat, Chelan and the Columbia Valleys, with an index and eighty scenic-historical illustrations. Spokane, Wash.: Press of Shaw & Borden Co., 1929.

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