History of Central Washington – Surname E-F

Earthquake, 187229First Flouring Mill in the Chelan Country464
East Wenatchee297First Mayor of Chelan465
East Wenatchee Garden Club528First Settlers, The date of Chelan456
Edmunds, Wm.444First Settlers at Wenatchee, date of27
Eikelberner, Jos E.128First Settlers, Lake Wenatchee398
Eikelberner, Geo. C.129First Teachers Certificate granted in County110
Electrical Development County584First telephone service in Chelan County535
Electrical Development Entiat449Fisher, Geo. R.570
Ellis, Rev. D. C.497Flower Club526
Emerson, W. M.456Flummerfelt, Chas. H56
Emig Brothers386Fogg, Bert309
Emigrant Travel357Foote, Mrs. Glovina212
Entiat Valley and Early History444Ford, Edwin D.121
Entiat Times523Ford & Merriam532
Erickson, Axle422Fowler, Leonard522
Estes, Wm B.  310France, O. G.210
Estes, F. D.394France, Ellsworth211
Estes, Quill395Frank, Emil213
Ewing, Mrs. Hulda269Freer Brothers216
Eymouth, H. E.522Freer, Ira216


 Freight shipments and revenue there from562
Fair, Hesperides565Freytag, Chas. H. A.394
Farnum, F. C.373Frost, John E.356
Farrar, D. S.368Fruit Exhibits564
Farris, D. M.427Fruit Industry, the562
Farwell, Geo. H.564Fruit Sales from ranch of E. W. Cain & Sons88
Farwell & Fruit Fairs87Fruit Valley Journal525
Father Grassi481Fulwiler, Jas. H.60
Ferguson, Jas. W.214Fuller, O. B.208
Field, M. E.460Fuller, A. A.  211
Finch, Eph.426Future Development582
First Church of Christ500  

Source: Hull, Lindley M. A history of central Washington : including the famous Wenatchee, Entiat, Chelan and the Columbia Valleys, with an index and eighty scenic-historical illustrations. Spokane, Wash.: Press of Shaw & Borden Co., 1929.

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