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Hyde Point ~ Hadlock Origin Washington Geographic Names

Hadlock, a town on Port Townsend Bay, Jefferson County. In former days it was always referred to as Port Hadlock, The name is in honor of Samuel Hadlock. He was born in Hudson, New Hampshire, in 1829, and came West in 1852. In 1868 with five associates he came to Puget Sound and organized the firm of Hanson, Ackerson & Co., building for them the first steam sawmill at Tacoma, which he superintended until 1870. In company with Mr. Glidden he acquired 400 acres on Port Townsend Bay, organized the Washington Mill Company and built a large sawmill. In 1886 he laid out the town which he called Port Hadlock. (Elwood Evans, History of the Pacific Northwest, Oregon and Washington, Volume II., pages 353-354.) Mr. Hadlock in his old age was visiting his native State of New Hampshire and died at Nashua, on September 18, 1912. (Thomas W. Prosch, in the Washington Historical Quarterly, January, 1913, page 39.)

Hahamish Harbor, see Seabeck Bay.
Hahd-skus, see Point No Point.

Haida Point, the north cape of White Beach Bay, West Sound, Orcas Island, San Juan County. The name appears on the British Admiralty Chart 2840, Richards, 1858-1860, and has reference to attacks by the northern Indians. See also Massacre Bay.

Hale Passage. Two geographical features have this same name, originating from the same source. One is the waterway between Fox Island and the mainland to the north in Pierce County, and the other is between Lummi Island and the mainland in Whatcom County. The names were given by the Wilkes Expedition, 1841, in honor of Horatio Hale, philologist of the expedition. He was left in the Oregon Country to study the Indians, and was the first man to compile the interesting trade language known as the Chinook Jargon. The Hale Passage north and west of Lummi Island had received the Spanish name "El Canal de Pacheco" in 1791, as the same name Pacheco had been given to Lummi Island. It was part of the Mexican Viceroy's long name referred to under Guemes.

Haley's Bay, see Baker Bay.

Hall, a town in Clarke County, named by O. B. Osgaard in 1906 in honor of James F. Hall, on whose place the post office was originally located. (Postmaster at Hall, in Names MSS., Letter 433.) Hall Island, off the southern shore of Lopez Island, San Juan County. The name first appears on the British Admiralty Chart 2689, Richards, 1858-1860.

Haller City, see Arlington, Snohomish County.

Hamahama River, in the northern part of Mason County. It flows into Hood Canal at Eldon. The name is of Indian origin, a corruption of the Twana name of the place Du-hub-hub-bai, because a small rush called "hub-hub" was found there. (Myron Eells, in American Anthropologist, January, 1892.)

Hamilton, a town in the central part of Skagit County. William Hamilton settled there in 1877. The town was incorporated in 1891 and named for its founder. (History of Skagit and Snohomish Counties, pages 242-243.)

Hamilton Creek, a tributary of the Columbia River, in the southwestern part of Skamania County. A post office there has the same name, though the station on the Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway drops the word "Creek" in its name. Samuel Milton Hamilton and his wife Mary J. Hamilton took up a donation claim there in early days, which gave rise to the name of the creek. It is probable also that the names of Hamilton Island in the Columbia River below Cascades, and of Hamilton Mountain, four miles west of Cascade, were in honor of the same pioneers.

Hammersley Inlet, the southwestern arm of Puget Sound, west from the north end of Totten Inlet, in the southeastern part of Mason County. It was named by the Wilkes Expedition, 1841, in honor of Midshipman George W. Hammersly of the expedition. The spelling of the name was confused from the beginning. Wilkes, himself, uses three forms. In the muster rolls of his crews it appears "Hammersly." In his volume, Hydrography, it appears "Hammersly" on page 321 and "Hamersley" on pages 468 and 469. On chart 78 in the Atlas accompanying the volume, Hydrography, it is spelled "Hammersley,'* and, though that form has one more "e" than the man himself used, it is the form followed by the United States Government and other makers of maps. The Indian name in the Nisqually language, including the Squakson, Puyallup and Snohomish dialects, is Sa-ha-wamsh. (J. A. Costello, The Siwash, Seattle, 1895.) The local name in general use for Hammersley Inlet is "Big Skookum." (George N. Talcott, in Names MSS., Letter 326.)

Hanbury Point, at the south entrance to Mosquito Pass, at the northwest extremity of San Juan Island, San Juan County. It was named by Staff Commander Pender, Royal Navy, in the hired surveying vessel Beaver in 1869, in honor of Ingham Hanbury, a surgeon of the Royal Navy. He was borne on the books of the flagships on the Northwest station, Sutlej and Zealous, for duty on San Juan Island during the joint occupation of the island by British and American camps, 1865-1870. He became staff surgeon in 1875, fleet surgeon in 1882, and died in 1884. (Captain John T. Walbran, British Columbia Coast Names, page 225.)

Hancock, Cape, see Cape Disappointment.

Hanford, a town on the Columbia River in the northeastern part of Benton County. It was named in 1906 by the Hanford Irrigation and Power Company, in honor of the president of the company, Cornelius H. Hanford of Seattle, who was one of the founders of the big reclamation project and who was also the first and most prominent Federal Judge in the State of Washington. (Postmaster at Hanford, in Names MSS., Letter 12.)

Hangman Creek, see Latah Creek.

Hanson Ferry, a town on the Grande Ronde River in the southwestern part of Asotin County. The first family settled there in 1882, John Hansen, his wife and two sons Frank and Henry. The latter has been postmaster since the office was established there in 1890. The change in the spelling occurred when the post office was named. (Henry Hansen, in Names MSS., Letter 236.)

Harbin, see Goodnow, Klickitat County.

Harbor Rock, two rocks bear that name in San Juan County and both apparently originated on the British Admiralty Chart 2840, Richards, 1858-1860. Both appear also on the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart 6380. One of these rocks is near the south entrance to Griffin Bay, San Juan Island; the other is at the southeastern entrance to Massacre Bay, West Sound, Orcas Island.

Hardersburg, see Kahlotus, Franklin County.
Hards-cubs see Point No Point.
Harlinda, see Keller, Ferry County.

Harney Channel, between Orcas and Shaw Islands, from West Sound to East Sound, San Juan County. The name first appears on the British Admiralty Chart 2840, Richards, 1858-1860, and was evidently for Brigadier-General W. S. Harney, United States Army, who on July 9, 1859, took possession of San Juan Island while it was claimed by the British and thus projected the San Juan dispute, which was finally settled by arbitration in 1870.

Haro Strait, sometimes charted as Canal de Haro, the boundary between Vancouver Island and the San Juan Archipelago. The name first appears as "Canal de Lopez de Haro" on the Spanish chart of Manuel Quimper, 1790. (United States Public Documents, Serial number 1557.) The other early Spanish charts carry the same name. The English explorer Vancouver, 1792, changed the form and spelling to "Canal de Arro," which was followed by the Wilkes Expedition, 1841. The British Admiralty Chart 1911, Kellett, 1847, gave the form Haro Strait, which has been in general use since especially on official United States charts. When Eliza sent Quimper from Nootka in 1790 to explore the Strait of Juan de Fuca, that officer made extensive surveys and left a number of names which have persisted. The name he gave Haro Strait was in honor of his sailing master, Lopez de Haro. (H. H. Bancroft, Northwest Coast, Volume I., page 241.) That name has since been divided, part remaining on the Strait and part being given to a prominent island in San Juan County. (Edmond S. Meany, History of the State of Washington, page 33.)

Harper, a town on Yukon Harbor, southwest of Blake Island, in the southeastern part of Kitsap County. The post office was established in 1902 through the influence of F. C. Harper, then State Senator and later Collector of Customs for the District of Puget Sound. It was named in his honor, though some people tried to retain the local name of Terra Vaughn. (Winifred Garnett, postmistress, in Names MSS., Letter 4.)

Harrington, a town in the southeastern part of Lincoln County. In 1882, W. P. Harrington, a banker in Colusa, California, invested in lands in Lincoln County. The townsite was owned by Horace Cutter and others. Mrs. Cutter, a close friend of the Harringtons, had the honor of naming the town. A few years later, the California Land and Stock Company was organized, with the late Jacob Furth of Seattle as president; W. P. Harrington, vice-president; Dr. Luke Robinson of San Francisco, treasurer; and John J. Green, manager. Mr. Harrington remained a member of the company until his death in 1903. (H. S. Bassett, in Names MSS, Letter 327.)

Hartford, a town in the west-central part of Snohomish County. The town was platted on June 23, 1891, by James V. Vanhorn and his wife Kate Vanhorn. It is the junction of the Northern Pacific Railway's Hartford & Eastern or Monte Cristo branch line.

Hartline, a town in the northwestern part of Grant County. The first settlement was named Parnell for an old settler. Later a townsite was selected on land sold for the purpose by John Hartline, another old settler, and the town was named for him. (Postmaster, in Names MSS., Letter 42.)

Hartstene Island, in the southwestern part of Mason County. It was named by the Wilkes Expedition, 1811, in honor of Lieutenant Henry J. Hartstene of the expedition. This is another case of confused spelling. The muster roll of the Wilkes Expedition shows the Lieutenant's name as "Hartstein." Chart 78 in the Atlas accompanying the Wilkes volume, Hydrography, shows the name as Hartstene Island, which is the form on the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart 6160, in the Pacific Coast Pilot, page 626, and on most recent maps. That form also appears in the man's biography in Appleton's Cyclopedia of American Biography, Volume III., page 106. However, the map compiled in 1911 by the United States Geological Survey and the State of Washington, the spelling is "Hartstine." The United States Official Postal Guide of 1915 carries the name "Harstine Island" as the name of an office on the island.

Hat Island, east of Guemes Island, in the mouth of Padilla Bay, Skagit County. Chart 92 in the Atlas accompanying the volume, Hydrography, of the Wilkes Expedition, 1841, carries the name "Peacock Island, in honor of the squadron's vessel which was wrecked at the mouth of the Columbia River. The subsequent British Admiralty charts show the island without a name. Hat Island was given on account of its shape by the United States Coast Survey. Gedney Island, near Everett, is also sometimes locally called "Hat Island."

Hatton, a town in the southwestern part of Adams County. The place was originally known as Wells. When the post office was established in 1888 the Post office Department asked for a new name. The superintendent of the railroad asked the postmaster, J. D. Hackett, for a list of the patrons of the office. One of the names submitted was Sutton (father of State Senator Sutton), whereupon the railroad man took the first two letters of Hackett and the last four letters of Sutton and submitted the composite name of Hatton, which was adopted. (Mrs. Ida Belle Hackett, in Names MSS., Letter 476.)

Hautboy Island, see Strawberry Island.

Haven, a town on the Columbia River in the southern part of Grant County. It was named for Henry H. Haven in 1908. (F. C. Koppen, of Wahluke, in Names MSS., Letter 110.)

Hawk Creek, a tributary of the Columbia River at Peach in the north-central part of Lincoln County. The name was for an early settler named Hawkins. (Postmaster at Peach, in Names MSS., Letter 159.)

Hawk's Prairie, in the northeastern part of Thurston County. It was named for J. M. Hawk, who settled there in 1853. (J. W. Mayes and Postmaster Greenman at Union Mills, in Names MSS., Letter 133.)

Hay-bohl-ub, see Preston Point, Everett.

Hayward's Prairie, mentioned by Theodore Winthrop (The Canoe and the Saddle, John H. Williams, editor, page 282), in the region of Fort Nisqually.

Hazard, a settlement, store and at one time a post office in the northern part of Spokane County. The store was started about 1886 by R. R. Hazard and in his honor the place was named. (L. C. Owen, of Denison, in Names MSS., Letter 190.)

Hazel, a town in the north-central part of Snohomish County. P. D. McMartin, pioneer, owned the land where the town is located. The name is in honor of the first child born in his family. (W. S. Reynolds, in Names MSS., Letter 413.)

Hazel Point, in Hood Canal, at the southeastern end of Toandos Peninsula, in the eastern part of Jefferson County. On ^lay 11, 1792, the British explorer George Vancouver, who discovered and named Hood Canal, named Hazel Point "in consequence of its producing many of those trees." For forty-nine years following that date the only white men known to have visited the region were Hudson's Bay Company men trading with the Indians. No doubt they had become accustomed to some Indian place names there. In 18 H, the Wilkes Expedition made a careful survey and chart of the canal. On their Chart 78 in the Atlas accompanying the volume, Hydrography, the name Hazel Point is omitted. Three points at the extremity of Toandos Peninsula are given Indian names as follows: southwest, "Tskutsko"; south, "Nukolowap"; southeast "Suqualus." Six years later, the British Admiralty Chart 1911, Kellett, 1847, restored Vancouver's name of Hazel Point, placing it at the southeast cape, which Wilkes had called "Suqualus" Point. Kellett omitted names for the other two points. The United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart 6450 shows Hazel Point where Kellett charted it and Tskutsko Point where Wilkes charted, but the Wilkes name of "Nukolowap" Point was changed to Oak Head. From Vancouver's description {Voyage, second edition, Volume II., page 85) it seems clear that he intended his name, Hazel Point, for what is now Tskutsko Point. Hazelwood, a town on the east shore of Lake Washington in the west-central part of King County. Hazel bushes are plentiful there. The settlement was first known as the Third Division of Hillman's Garden of Eden Addition to Seattle. In 1907, application was made for a post office. Proposed names were written on slips of paper and put in a hat. The first slip drawn bore the name Hazelwood, which is now used for the post office, town, railway station and boat landing. (Kenneth M. Laurie, in Names MSS., Letter 221.)

Heath Bay, on Puget Sound, receiving the waters of Chambers Creek at Steilacoom, Pierce County. It first appears on the British Admiralty Chart 1947, Inskip, 1816, but no name is given the bay on the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart 6460. In the Works of H. H. Bancroft (Volume XXIX., page 189) reference is made to an Englishman named Heath who held the large Steilacoom farm for sheep-raising under lease from the Hudson's Bay Company. Hein Bank, a five-fathom shoal in the Strait of Juan de Fuca, west of Smith Island. On the British Admiralty Chart 2840, Richards, 1858-1860, it is shown as "Fonte Bank." It was discovered and named by the United States Coast Survey in 1854. The superintendent of that survey, A. D. Bache, gives a clue to the origin of the name in his Report, 1855 (United States Public Documents, Serial number 845, page 104) : "In closing my report, it gives me unfeigned satisfaction again to acknowledge the faithful, zealous and acceptable service of Samuel Hein, Esq., the general disbursing agent."

Hellgate, a town in the northwestern part of Lincoln County. In the Columbia River four miles above the mouth of the Sanpoil River there is a rapid locally known as Hell Gate. On July 3, 1811, it was mentioned as "Strong Rapid" by David Thompson of the North-West Company of Montreal. (T. C. Elliott, in the Washington Historical Quarterly, March, 1914, page 44, note 5.) Hell's Gate is also used as a name for rapids in the Columbia River, three miles below Maryhill.

Helse-de-lite, see Camp Washington and Coulee Creek.

Hemlock Pass, leading from the head of Denny Creek to Melakwa Lake, elevation 4800 feet. The name was recommended to the United States Geographic Board on June 15, 1916, by The Mountaineers. (Names MSS., Letter 580.)

Henderson Inlet, at the southern end of Puget Sound, southward from Danas Passage, in Thurston County. It was named by the Wilkes Expedition, 1841, in honor of Quartermaster James Henderson of the expedition. Like the other waterways in that vicinity, this has a commonly used local name "South Bay." (George N. Talcott, in Names MSS., Letter 326.)

Henry Island, northwest of San Juan Island in San Juan County. It was named by the Wilkes Expedition, 1841, in honor of Midshipman Wilkes of the expedition. Most of the small islands in that region were named for junior or petty officers of the crews. In this case it was a memorial, as Midshipman Henry had been killed at Malolo, one of the Fiji Islands, in an attack from natives, July, 1840. Midshipman Henry was a nephew of Commander Wilkes. (Wilkes Expedition, Narrative, Volume III., page 262.)

Herron Island, in Case Inlet, Puget Sound, in the northwestern part of Pierce County. It was named by the Wilkes Expedition, 1841, in honor of Lewis Herron, one of the expedition's petty officers with the grade of cooper.

Hewitt Lake, south of Olympia in Thurston County. It was first known as Lowe Lake after John Lowe, whose land claim included all of the lake. Afterward it was called Hewitt Lake in honor of Judge C. C. Hewitt, who owned and occupied the Lowe claim. (H. B. McElroy, of Olympia, in Names MSS., Letter 46.)

Heyers Point, see Point Heyer.

Hidden, a town in the southwestern part of Clarke County. The place was formerly known as St. John, but as there was a railroad station of that name in Oregon, Trainmaster John T. Foster at Vancouver was asked to secure a new name. He chose the name Hidden in honor of L. M. Hidden, who built the railroad in that section about 1905. (W. Foster Hidden, in Names MSS., Letter 160.)

High Point, a post office and railroad station three miles east of Issaquah, in King County. It was named by John Lovegren, who founded the place early in 1905. It was so named because it is at the top of a particularly steep grade on the railroad. (Paul V. Lovegren, in Names MSS., Letter 429.)

Hillhurst, a town in the western part of Pierce County, south of Tacoma. When the railroad was built about 1873 the hill caused frequent delays in the trains. This gave rise to the name. The road has since been re-graded but the name remains. (W. G. Fielding, in Names MSS., Letter 117.)

Hillyard, now a part of Spokane in Spokane County. It was platted as an independent town on October 25, 1892, by Leland D. and Kate C, Westfall. The name was in honor of James J. Hill of the Great Northern Railway Company, which built there the largest railroad shops west of St. Paul. (Postmaster of Hillyard, in Names MSS., Letter 194.) On November 14, 1825, the place was referred to as "Horse Plains" by John Work of the Hudson's Bay Company. (T. C. Elliott, in the Washington Historical Quarterly, July, 1914, page 180.)

Hock Spur, see Buckeye and Denison, Spokane County.

Hogum Bay, a local name for the stretch of water, from Nisqually Head to Johnson Point in the northwestern part of Thurston County. When the Northern Pacific Railroad was being built to Puget Sound it was thought that the line would go along the west side of the Nisqually River. A few people hastily bargained for all the land and were called "hogs" by the later would-be purchasers. Feeling ran high. The land was called "Hogum" and the water "Hogum Bay." (George N. Talcott, of Olympia, in Names MSS., Letter 226.)

Hoh River, a stream rising on Mount Olympus and flowing westward into the Pacific, in the northwestern part of Jefferson County. In 1787, the Indians killed a boat's crew sent for fresh water by Captain C. W. Barkley, who thereupon called it Destruction River. From similar experience at the same place Bodega y Quadra had named the nearby island Isla de Dolores. Barkley's name for the river was later transferred to the island, which is still known as Destruction Island. See paragraph under that head. The river then obtained the Indian name of Hoh, appearing in various forms such as Hooch, Holes, Huch, Hooh and Ohahlat. The Handbook of American Indians (Vol. I., p. 556) says it is the name of a band of Quilayute Indians, living at the river's mouth. The name is also used for a post office two miles up the river; for a promontory, Hoh Head, two and a half miles north of the mouth of the river; and a mountain, Hoh Peak, five and a half miles west of Mount Olympus.

HoiPus Point, see Hoypus Point.

Hoko River, a stream flowing into the Strait of Juan de Fuca about four miles west of Clallam Bay, in the northwestern part of Clallam County. It is shown as Okeho River on James Tilton's map of 1859. The name is evidently of Indian origin.

Holly, a post office on Hood Canal in the southwestern part of Kitsap County. It was named by Robert Wyatt in 1895 for a large holly tree near the newly established post office. (Fred Wyatt, postmaster, in Names MSS., Letter 11.)

Holmes Harbor, a bay on the eastern shore of Whidbey Island, in Island County. Named by the Wilkes Expedition, 1841, in honor of Silas Holmes, an assistant surgeon of the expedition. The Indian name is Ah-lus-dukh, meaning go inside. (Dr. Charles M. Buchanan, of Tulalip, in Names MSS. Letter 155.)

Home, a colony of social reformers on Joes Bay, an arm of Carrs Inlet, in the western part of Pierce County. See Edmond S. Meany's. History of the State of Washington, pages 321-322. It was established on February 10, 1896, by George H. Allen and named for the friendly attitude toward all. (Postmaster at Lake Bay, in Names MSS. Letter 186.)

Home Valley, a post office and settlement in the southern part of Skamania County. A few Norwegians settled in the little valley surrounded by mountains, and John Kanekeberg gave it the name of Heim Dal in 1893. The same year he was appointed postmaster and the government translated the name into Home Valley. (Nellie E. Youcham, in Names MSS., Letter 346.)

Hood Canal, an extensive arm of the sea in the western portion of the Puget Sound Basin. In May, 1792, the British discoverer and explorer. Captain George Vancouver, wrote in his journal: "Early on Sunday morning, the 13th, we again embarked [in his small boats]; directing our route down the inlet, which, after the Right Honorable Lord Hood, I called Hood's Channel." On his chart it was written canal instead of channel and the United States Geographic Board has removed the aprostrophe and "s". Vancouver also honored the same Samuel, Lord Hood, of the British Navy, by naming the beautiful Oregon Mountain for him. See Edmond S. Meany's Vancouver's Discovery of Puget Sound, pages 109-113. A headland, Hood Head, north of Port Gamble in the eastern part of Jefferson County, takes its name from the canal and similarly a town. Hood, in Skamania County, takes its name from the mountain towering high on the opposite side of the Columbia River.

Hoodsport, a town on Hood Canal, in Mason County, takes its name from the canal. J. A. Costello in The Siwash says the Indian name in the Twana language is Slal-atl-atl-tul-hu.

Hoo Etzen Harbor, see Jackson's Cove.
Hoolhoolse River, see Cave Creek.

Hooper, a town in the southwestern part of Whitman County, named by the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company about 1883, after Albert J. Hooper, one of the earliest settlers. (Postmaster, in Names MSS., Letter 559.)

Hope Island. Two islands in the Puget Sound Basin received this name from the Wilkes Expedition, 1811. One in the southeastern part of Mason County, west of Squaxin Island, has an uncharted but locally used name, John's Island, in honor of John Gilmore, an early settler. (Grant C. Angle, in Names MSS., Letter 83.) The other Hope Island is in the western part of Skagit County, off the northeast shore of Whidbey Island. It is not clear why the names were originally given.

Hopewell, a village in the central part of Clarke County, was first named Good Hope, but the post office department said that name was then in use within this state, and so the same thought was put into another form. (Glenn N. Ranck, Yacolt, in Names MSS., Letter 138.)

Hoquiam, a river and a city in Grays Harbor (formerly Chehalis) County. Henry Gannett in The Origin of Certain Place Names in the United States, says the name is from the Indian word Ho-qui-umpts, meaning hungry for wood, so called on account of the great amount of driftwood at the river's mouth.

Horlick, a town in the central part of Kittitas County. H. R. Williams, vice president of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, says it was named after a brand of malted milk. (In Names MSS., Letter 589.)

Hornet Harbor, see Guemes Island and Channel.
Horse Plains, see Hillyard.

Horseshoe. A number of geographic features have received this descriptive name: Horseshoe Basin, at the head of Stehekin River, in the northern portion of Chelan County; Horseshoe Falls, in the Columbia River, twelve miles above The Dalles; Horseshoe Lake, in the central part of Okanogan County; Horseshoe Mountain, a ridge in Ferry County, and another ridge near the Canadian boundary in Okanogan County, Horseshoe Bend, see Kiona, Horseshoe City, see Waitsburg.

Hoypus Point, the northern extremity of Whidbey Island, in Island County. The name appears in its present form on the United States Coast & Geodetic Chart, 6380. It first appeared on the chart of the Wilkes Expedition 1841, as Hoipus. It is shown on some county maps as Hoydus. The meaning of the name is not known. Huckleberry Island, off the southeast coast of Guemes Island. The Wilkes Expedition, 1841, charted it as one of the "Porpoise Rocks."

Hull's Island, see Orcas Island.

Humptulips River, a stream flowing from the Olympic mountains into Grays Harbor. The Indian word is said to mean "hard to pole." (Hilda E. Evans, in Names MSS., Letter 230.) Another version is that it means "chilly region" (Henry Gannett in Place Names, and in Handbook of American Indians, Volume I., page 578). A town on the river, twenty-two miles north of Hoquiam, also bears the name of Humptulips.

Hungry Harbor, a bay on the north bank of the Columbia River, east of Megler, in Pacific County. Fishermen claim that seven men drifted into the bay and starved to death. It is an ideal shelter for small boats and fishermen frequently anchor there to eat their meals, which may be another origin of the name. (H. B. Stettin, Knappton, in Names MSS., Letter 93.)

Hunters, a town in Stevens County and a creek of the same name, flowing into the Columbia River, in Stevens County. The name is in honor of James Hunter, the first white settler at that place. (G. L. Martin, in Names MSS., Letter 444.)

Huntersville, see Benston.

Hunt's Junction, in Walla Walla County, named in honor of G. W. Hunt, of the old "Hunt Road." (Postmaster at Attalia, in Names MSS., Letter 134.)

Huntsville, a town in the west central portion of Columbia County. During the winter of 1878-1879 members of the United Brethren Church raised a fund of $10,000 to endow a university. B. J. Hunt was manager. With John Fudge, he donated ninety acres for a townsite, which on being platted received the name of Huntsville. School was begun there in the Washington Institute on November 4, 1879. {Illustrated History of Southeastern Washington, page 374.)

Hurricane Hill, near Elwha, in Clallam County. Probably named on account of the velocity of winds there at times. (H. B. Herrick, Elwha, in Names MSS., Letter 267.)

Hutchinson Creek, a tributary of the Nooksack River in Whatcom County, named by early settlers in honor of Widow Hutchinson who was first to settle there and who died before getting final proof to her homestead. (Charles F. Elsbee, in Names MSS., Letter 195.)

Hwhomish Bay, the bay at Marysville, Snohomish County, mentioned in the Indian treaty made by Governor Stevens at Point Elliott on January 22, 1855.

Hwulch, see Puget Sound.

Hyak, the name of a lake and creek near the east portal of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway tunnel through the Cascade Range, in Kittitas County. The word is from the Chinook Jargon and means hurry.

Hyde Point, the east cape of McNeil Island, in Pierce County. It was named by the Wilkes Expedition, 1841, in honor of William Hyde, a carpenter's mate with the expedition. Five years later the Inskip Chart (British) No. 1947, sought unsuccessfully to change it to "Dyke Point," an intended honor for Lieutenant Charles Dyke of the British ship Fisgard.


Washington AHGP | Geographic Names

Source: Washington Historical Quarterly, Volume 8 - 14

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